Education must-reads: From charter politics still shaping LAUSD school board elections to an audit finding the state lottery is not putting enough money into Education, 10 new things to know about California’s schools (and beyond)
Read MoreYour Daily Roundup of LAUSD news from across the web | 02.26.20
Preschool participation has fallen by half during the pandemic, according to new data from the National Institute for Early Education Research. And even with early educators’ efforts to connect with students remotely, few families have remained consistently involved. This “massive reduction in preschool attendance,” the report shows, affected all families regardless of race or ethnicity, parents’ educational...
By Linda Jacobson | August 3, 2023
Georgianna Kelman’s phone doesn’t stop ringing nowadays. A special education attorney in Los Angeles, Kelman currently represents 60 families in southern California with complaints that their children didn’t receive services they were entitled to when schools closed in the spring. “I can only imagine the bottleneck of litigation that is coming,” Kelman said. “I have...
By bluelight安卓免费下载 | July 30, 2023
By Taylor Swaak | April 8, 2023
福尔摩斯历险记英文版PDF TXT电子书免费下载 The ...:2021-3-4 · 福尔摩斯历险记PDF TXT英文原版原著PDF TXT电子书下载 The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes,作者中文名:亚瑟·柯南·道尔,作者英文名:Arthur Conan Doyle 福尔摩斯历险记(The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes)简介: Complete in nine handsome volumes, each with ...
By Gail Cornwall | July 29, 2023
The nation’s K-12 schools reacted to the disruption of COVID-19 in broadly similar ways regardless of whether they were district, charter or private, according to new research released Monday. In general, traditional public schools did not lag behind charters or private schools, except for a few days near the beginning of the COVID-19 crisis when...
By Kevin Mahnken | July 22, 2023
Changemakers: Meet the Educators Rethinking School in 4 Major Cities
The Alumni: Inside a Revolutionary Campaign to Get High School Grads Through College
Exclusive: New Interactive Map Shows States’ Progress in Finalizing ESSA Plans
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As summer approached, Ruthie Seroussi of Los Angeles began to worry about how to occupy her young sons. Even remote learning offered a structure to the day, but with summer camps cancelled, she dreaded battles over the TV and Xbox. She and her husband are both attorneys, but he works in an office while she...
By Julie Halpert | July 21, 2023
Since the Los Angeles Unified School Board voted to cut its school police budget by $25 million, activists have been calling for more student support services, such as additional counselors and social workers. Meanwhile, restorative justice programs offer another strategy that could prove useful as we look to soften our schools and move away from...
By Josh Brown | July 20, 2023
Schools tell ed tech leader they expect lots more blended, hybrid learning in the fall. What this means for teachers and students
Uncertainty surrounds the start of the 2023-21 school year. Districts around the country must prepare for three types of learning environments: the in-person style they’ve known for decades, the distance learning most were tossed into during the pandemic, and the most likely of scenarios — a hybrid environment, mixing both remote and in-classroom education. This...
By Tim Newcomb | July 16, 2023
What should kids (and parents) know about student data and online testing? Some suggestions from a privacy advocate — and mom
Students across the world have had to adapt to a new way of learning due to the coronavirus pandemic. Now, as the school year comes to a close, they are also adapting to a new way of being evaluated: taking tests online. Advanced Placement exams were recently administered virtually, with widespread glitches, and colleges and...
By Olga Garcia-Kaplan | July 15, 2023
Los Angeles Unified and San Diego Unified issue joint announcement of online-only start to school year next month
The following statement was released Monday morning by both the Los Angeles Unified and San Diego Unified School Districts: On March 13, four months ago today, we made the difficult decision to close our schools to prevent the spread of the coronavirus. Much has changed since that time: New research is available, additional information on...
By LA School Report | July 13, 2023
Analysis: Week-by-week survey finds parents worried about sending kids back to school — three-quarters think September is too soon
On June 30, Sen. Lamar Alexander convened the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee to hear four health experts — including Dr. Anthony Fauci — provide an update on COVID-19, including how K-12 leaders and other stakeholders can open schools safely this fall. Alexander was direct in offering his thoughts: “The question before the...
By Bruno Manno | July 13, 2023